What my clients are saying.

My clients are high powered and high impact people. Driven by big ambitions and visions of well lived lives.

Executives, Doctors, Founders, CEOs and Investors. It’s my privilege to be a part of their stories.

If you’re ready to claim unshakeable confidence, more peace, more joy, more focus, more love, more success, more prosperity and more of everything you ever wanted, by mastering your mind, click here.

Let’s get to the root of whats stopping you, and elevate to the life of your dreams.


Full Testimonials: Clients sharing their stories of mastering their minds and elevating to the most powerful, magnetic and joyful versions of themselves.

I had been self sabotaging, denying myself the truth of what I wanted, constantly feeling the odds were stacked against me no matter how hard I tried, and feeling like I had two voices battling in my head: one who knew everything I desired, and one who kept reminding me it wasn’t possible. From the outside my life was fine, but it wasn’t what I wanted at all. I was at rockbottom, with my traumas running the show, and in my dark moments I had a sinking sense that I was a lost cause. I was doing other things, including memberships and courses on healing and manifesting, but it wasn’t getting me to where I wanted to be, and deep down, I knew I needed more. This tension felt relentless and exhausting.

Immediately after our first session, any nervousness had disappeared. I’ve sought help over the years and started these types of conversations with various therapists, and also various healing work through programmes and memberships, but have never felt a connection or understanding like I have with Natasha. She is so infinitely patient and kind. Despite being an expert in her field, she is completely down to earth, dedicated and caring, and at every step I have felt so safe and held by her. 

In my time with Natasha, she helped me heal my traumas, weight of shame, anxieties and hurt, around family, relationships, generational histories with mental health, money. The way she sees things is so unique and she helped me to unearth things that were deeply unconscious for me. Even in this regard, I’ve never been so deep in meditations and hypnosis as I have with Natasha, and the healing and progress has been exponential. 

I came up against massive, massive resistance in the process. Natasha was able to hold me in such caring energy but also with firm intention to get me through it, and it’s because of this I experienced so many huge turning points. 

I’ve been able to be completely honest with her in a way that is so rare. Natasha transmuted my pain into power, and my life looks so different today.

I’m no longer trapped in a prison of my pain. I’m infinitely happier, I have a sense of peace and everyone around me has noticed the difference. I’m being told all the time that I’m glowing. I feel like I’m soaring and am master of my own destiny. I’m able to celebrate myself and really love myself in a way that is totally new for me. 

I’m not triggered by things, events, people.  Before I felt weighted down and my energy was dwindling; now I feel light and am literally magnetic. I got offered my dream job (I wrote this down on a wish list months ago) with total ease (I wasn’t even searching for it!), and a dream travel opportunity. The speed at which my manifestations are coming to me is just unbelievable and my life feels magical. There aren’t enough words for the way in which this work has changed my life. I’m able to live in grace and actually enjoy my healing. 

Natalie, 31. Digital Marketer

“I was apprehensive about making the jump, but something deep inside me told me to just do it. I’m eternally glad I did. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made for myself. The transformation internally and in my external life goes beyond words. 

With regards to the changes I feel, here are just a few:

Awareness of my attachment pattern. I can't believe that as a Psychologist, that I had gotten this so wrong! Having so much more awareness of my attachment pattern has been completely monumental. It has made relationship patterns make so much more sense - it's like I've been able to zoom out and understand why I have attracted/been attracted to certain people and experiences. I also feel like I am able to look at it without judgement or anger, but from a place of compassion towards myself and to other people. I've been able to truly understand at a level deeper than just the intellectual, that they came into my life to teach me lessons. I believe without any doubt that the rockbottom in my love life lead me to do this life changing work with Natasha. The growth that’s come since has blown my mind and I’ve literally manifested a new man in my life- without using dating apps. 

Family: Through doing this deep work, both investigating deeply this life, and doing deep past life work. Whilst being held safely by Natasha I’ve been able to map out and understand my family. This has been invaluable. From thinking about my Grandparents and Parents relationships to doing the past life regression I feel like I’ve healed not just myself, but also that I’ve healed the generational and ancestral patterns and traumas. 

Intuition: I feel infinitely more clear and can hear and feel my intuition with total clarity, more than ever before. And where I was doubting it, I feel like I can trust myself more. I have a deep knowing that my intuition is never wrong and my ability to truly believe this is life changing. I also have a new found trust that the universe is holding me. This for me is certainly linked to feeling totally held by you and being safe to fully explore and trust in your process. 

Trust/safety/security: Again I feel like this has been HUGE. Being able to trust you and feeling held by you throughout this journey has been incredible. Through the hypnoses and meditations I've been able to truly feel and embody that experience of trust and letting go. Allowing you to guide me through this has been amazing at me feeling like I can trust/allow the universe to guide me. I also feel like it was only through feeling trust and safety with you in this process that I realised that trust and safety were the truth of what was at the top of my list in terms of love and partnership.  

Friendships/relationships: I've come to realise through this work that there are certain people in my life who definitely activate my attachment/nervous system. I've started putting boundaries in/cutting these people out of my life and releasing all guilt that I used to carry for this.

Anxiety: my anxiety levels have come way, way, way down. I don't feel triggered by things anymore. One of my main triggers is if I feel I've done something wrong/being criticised. I think that this can often lead me to being a bit of a people pleaser. I have noticed that I now do much less of this and have found myself much more calm and relaxed. I’m aware of how I’m no longer dragged into people's dramas out of my people pleasing quite as much and am not being projected on to. 

Working with Natasha is nothing short of amazing. I have really loved how personal and intimate this work has felt. I feel as though Natasha embodies a guide, healer, therapist, angel and the safety of a dear friend all at once. I couldn’t have imagined it would have been as magical as this experience has been.

She has been there for me in every moment, even outside of sessions, and I’ve felt so fortunate to be able to share with her my intuitive thoughts, moments of synchronicity, realisations, thoughts, and things unfolding. At every moment, she has been my personal cheerleader. 

On a personal level it's been so wonderful to be guided along this journey by a woman that I see so much of myself in - Natasha you have been such an incredible inspiration for me! I definitely feel like I manifested you at the most perfect time when I was truly ready to do this work and that makes me even more sure of the sacredness of this work. 

This integrated, embodied awareness of my patterns and having had so much of my conscious and unconscious trauma cleared will have an incredible impact on my future.

I feel like I’m in flow, things are coming together organically, rather than feeling like I have to push or work for them. This journey has also coincided so beautifully with my Saturn return - I feel like I can look back on all of the tests, lessons and gifts from the past few years and see them in a positive light - rather than feeling like I'm still stuck in them.

Since unblocking, I’m speaking into life what I want. At one point in my time with Natasha I job which I had been thinking about literally just came to me. Likewise my introduction to a man who ticked all the boxes of what I realised I wanted and needed in a relationship. I’m in a position to look back on all of the tests, lessons and gifts from the past few years and see them in a positive light - rather than feeling like I'm still stuck in them. I feel much more positive and hopeful about being able to have my dream life and not settle for anything less than.

I also feel like this “work” has really challenged a lot of my limiting beliefs and I've been amazed at the insights I've had and what has come through for me. So many pieces of the puzzle have fallen in to place and old trauma stories have fallen away. After having been so stuck in my patterns, unconscious  and at a standstill, I’m so excited to embrace this new sense of flow enjoy what life brings me next. I feel completely magnetic, I literally speak into existence what I want, and it comes to me. 

Thank you so much Natasha. I’m forever grateful for this work we’ve done. The way you weave together so many approaches and modalities is complete magic and this is the medicine I didn’t know I needed until it was happening. If you get the chance to work with Natasha, do it. Working with her will change your life.”

Dr Yasmine, 30, Psychologist

Working with Natasha has been incredible and has far exceeded my expectations.

Since working with Natasha, I’m able to put my own needs first, to create and hold boundaries in all areas of life, to stand my ground and to drive the outcomes of my life. Natasha has been my rock and nurtured me into a state of feeling safe, where I have healed what was holding me back, and am now able to stand in a position of power and full self worth.

During our work, I experienced big changes in my relationship, friendships, and at work. My mind is much clearer and I am much sharper at work, without being weighed down by anxiety and stress. I have since won a promotion at work that came with a  bonus. I have no doubt due to the change within me.

When I came to Natasha I was constantly anxious, exhausted, and tough on myself. This was reflecting in my disordered eating and compromised immune system. I’m proud to say these are features of my past and not my present.

Natasha is sharp, and kind and wise. Rare qualities to sit side by side. I’m in awe of the way she thinks and the speed at which she works. If you get the opportunity to work with Natasha, do it. 

Anna 34 Hedge Fund Trader 

When I first came to speak with Natasha, I was sceptical. I had worked with life coaches and therapists before, and not got the results I wanted, but was still looking for help.

It was obvious from our first discussion that she is not like anyone I had ever worked with before. Natasha is calm and grounding, but also inspiring and passionate. She is deeply empathetic, whilst also being truly intellectually brilliant. Having her in my corner has been lifechanging.

Quickly, she was able to see all of the details of my past in a way that I hadn’t before and how my current situation had come to be. In our time together, the way I view myself and my future has completely evolved.

I will be forever grateful to Natasha for this work. I have and will continue to recommend her to the women in my life. Natasha is both the medicine and the vitamins, and working with her has changed my life.

Aarti, 39 Corporate Lawyer 

“Natasha combines a high level of aptitude in psychology, technology savvy and creative energies that promise to have a major impact on Psychology, Education and Business.”

“I have been impressed by Natasha Tiwari's leadership skills that are manifest equally in attention to fine details as to big mission visions. In addition, to these people and planning skills, Natasha combines a high level of aptitude in psychology, technology savvy and creative energies that promise to have a major impact on Psychology, Education and Business. “

Dr Philip Zimbardo, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, Former President of the American Psychological Association